Biogas Production Prospects for West Africa

Kwasi GloverKwasi A. Glover, studied agricultural engineering at the Agricultural University of Havana, Cuba and further went on to finish his MSc in tissue culture technology at the same university. He later opted for MSc in Food processing Technology at the Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany working on quality control of agricultural produce. After completion, he went on to finish his PhD in Process Engineering in the area of  fermentation technology working precisely on the upgrading of agro-industrial residues for secondary metabolites at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn, Germany.  
Dr. Glover has worked in the field of upstream fermentation for the pharmaceutical and food industry, and the biochemical conversions of biogenic substrates for biogas production. He has been so long involved in the biological process control of large biogas plants in Germany and Italy as a fermenter nutritionist, nutrient analyst, and biogas process control specialist. As an Agricultural Engineer, he automatically includes the reuse of biogas fermenter digestate into the closed cycle bioenergy provision for sustainability as well as energy efficiency.
He is currently working at the section of knowledge and technology transfer of the Bioenergy Conversions Department of the Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum gGmbH (DBFZ) in Leipzig Germany as project manager and coordinator for a variety of large international R&D projects in Africa and Latin America.

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