ELOZO Oy - Ozone Cleaning and Disinfecting System and Its Potential for Africa

Ozone cleaning system, also known as   ozone cabinet is an innovative product produced by Elozo Oy, a Finnish based company. Elozo Oy is a member of the Cleantech Finland and specializes in developing innovative and environmentally friendly hygiene solutions for textiles

Ozone cleaning system efficiently reduces microscopic impurities such as various microorganisms (bacteria, fungus, protozoa etc.) .The system is designed to reduce microorganisms from clothes, shoes and other items that may easily become contaminated. The efficiency of ozone gas as a disinfectant has been well proven. The VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is currently testing Elozo’s ozone technology. The tests conducted so far have generated positive performance results in reducing bacteria, which can cause food poisonings and are therefore a problem for food industry. These bacteria include: isteria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella enterica  and Klebsiella / Enterobacter.

The effectiveness of ozone as a disinfectant is based on its high oxidation potential. Ozone kills microorganisms by oxidizing their cells.

Some of the benefits of the Elozo system include: · Efficient reduction of microorganisms
· As a gas, ozone efficiently reaches pores and holes    in rugged surfaces which may be difficult to clean with conventional methods
· Enables decontamination in situations when there is no possibility to wash the contaminated items    or washing is not efficient enough
· Enables cleaning of sensitive items which must not be exposed to water and cleaning solvents    without risking damage
· Applying ozone as a cleaning method is environmentally friendly, as water and cleaning solvents etc.    are not required
· As ozone is created on the location of its application, there is no need to transport or store the gas
· No residual presence of potentially dangerous by-products, as ozone breaks down quickly into    oxygen and possible break down by-products from reactions with organic compounds are not    dangerous to health

The system is easy to use. Clothes are placed with stainless steel or plastic hangers inside the ozone chamber like into a normal clothes closet. Removable racks can be inserted into the chamber for smaller items such as shoes. The ozone level inside the chamber and the duration of the treatment can be adjusted from the control unit. The required ozone level and the duration of the treatment vary depending on the qualities of the treated items and the nature of the smells

Product potential for Africa

As a disinfectant ,Elozo’s products can help prevent spreading of diseases in Africa.It can be use at work places, hospitals, hotels ,theaters ,airports, schools and all public gathering places where the spread of diseasses are very high.This will help  promote odour free environment in Africa and its environs.

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