Welcome to the first Issue of Cleantech Africa Magazine - Editorial

adebayo agbejule

Welcome to the first issue of Cleantech Africa Magazine. Cleantech Africa Magazine is registered as a non-governmental organization in Ghana. Cleantech Africa Magazine seeks mainly to educate the general public on issues relating to renewable energy and energy efficiency as to promote clean energy technologies on the African continent. It is also designed to encourage the development and implementation of clean energy technologies and educational programmes.
The demand for energy is expected to rise most rapidly in Africa as in several developing regions across the world as economic growth and social progress receive a major boost. Most African countries have not been able to match the increasing demand for energy. It is not surprising therefore that the term “energy crisis” has become a key word in most development policy documents on the continent. Without convenient and affordable alternatives, these countries are likely to follow the fossil fuel pathway, similar to that of the developed world. But, emissions from fossil fuels result in global warming and declining air quality.
Most developing countries however have abundant renewable energy resources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydro and bioenergy, as well as the ability to manufacture the relatively labour-intensive systems that harness these. By developing such energy sources, developing countries can reduce their dependence on fossil fuel, creating energy portfolios that are less vulnerable to price rises.     
Most of these resources however remain untapped. This is partly due to limited information on what these resources can do and where they can easily be obtained.  It is in this regard that Cleantech Africa Magazine seeks to provide extensive industry information in an easy to digest form, to get many more people to become aware of the limitless opportunities nature provides in dealing with our energy needs. Among others, the magazine will address misconceptions about renewable energy and address commonly asked questions about that energy source.
Cleantech Africa seeks to promote knowledge-sharing among local industry players and their foreign counterparts. The magazine will as well give attention to innovations in various fields of technology considered appropriate for the African terrain, to make its reading more interesting and its impact far-reaching. It will also address issues of environmental concerns and encourage the use of best practices in the technology sector to mitigate and adapt to climate change, contribute to sustainable development and the reduction of poverty on the continent.
The publication will incorporate Upcode technology as a way of bringing digital images to life. Upcode is a mobile software application that enables you to capture additional information embedded in a two dimensional code.
Authors are invited to submit paper from the following areas:
Energy generation including
· wind
· solar
· biofuel
· hydro,
Energy infrastructure

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