Objectives of the Magazine

  • adebayo agbejule

    Welcome to the first issue of Cleantech Africa Magazine. Cleantech Africa Magazine is registered as a non-governmental organization in Ghana. Cleantech Africa Magazine seeks mainly to educate the general public on issues relating to renewable energy and energy efficiency as to promote clean energy technologies on the African continent...

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  • education

    This edition will introduce you to the following topics:
    - What is renewable energy?
    - Why renewable energy is called clean energy?
    - What are the types of renewable energy ?
    - What makes renewable energy best option for Africa?

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Biogas Production Prospects for West Africa

  • About 90% of the populations in sub-Saharan Africa use biomass, such as wood or residues, for cooking and heating and 60% of African women living in rural areas have to deal with the firewood scarcity and supply.This has resulted in deforestationwiping out almost 90% of the original forests in West Africa. West Africa has abundantbioenergy potential...

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    Kwasi Glover